WARNING signs will remain in place at Apex Park as there are still high levels of a potentially toxic algae. 

The Environment Agency tested a second sample from the lake on September 6 and found that the lake is still appearing green in colour with high levels of the potentially toxic algae although no scum is visible on the surface of the water. 

Sedgemoor District Council said warning signs will remain in place until the lake is deemed safe by the Environment Agency. 

SDC have reissued advice to residents and have advised them to keep their dogs away from the water. 

A spokesman for SDC said: "Our advice continues to be:

  • Dogs should not be allowed to drink, swim or paddle in the water
  • Fishing is not permitted - Do not eat fish caught from the water
  • No swimming
  •  Avoid all contact with the water
  • Observe and abide by notices surrounding the water
  • Anyone who has come into contact with the water containing blue-green algae should wash with fresh water immediately.
  • Anyone who has come into contact with the affected water and has become ill should obtain urgent medical attention."

For more information visit http://www. sedgemoor.gov.uk