Just how Somerset are you? Here is a little language and dialect quiz to see if you can separate your spuddling from your dimpsy.

Where does our lovely dialect come from? Ten words and phrases that prove you're Somerset born and bred

It is Somerset Day... so here are some facts you may not know about the glorious county


1 - Wha' be gwain 'ave?

A: What are you going to have?

B: What are you doing?

C: What are you looking for?

2 - Whirr zer bin to?

A: What have you been doing?

B: What has he been doing?

C: Where has he been?

3 - Sright nottlin, sno. Spec me rumatics'll zoon be yer

A: It's really cold, you know. I expect my rheumatism will soon be here

B: It's snowing. I expect Christmas will soon be here

C: It's expected to snow heavily soon, but I have lost my spade

4 - S'getting dimpsey so you d'mind y'doan go vallin auver they ruckles on yer way cross mower.

A: I'm feeling tipsy. Do you mind giving me a lift home on your tractor?

B: It's just getting dark so mind you don't fall over the peat stacks on your way across the moor

C: It's just getting dark. Do you mind giving me a lift home?

5 - Eye sorer war shin

A: I've got a sore, raw shin

B: I saw her washing

C: Her washing is an eyesore

6 - Cordin eye, stimey wenoam

A: According to me, it's time he went home

B: According to me, she is a very drunk woman

C: Come and now, it's time to drink up.

Answers: 1) A 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A