Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 15/07/2021

REED Sara Margaret of Burnham-on-Sea Passed away peacefully in her sleep on 8 July 2021, aged 111 years. Dearly loved Mother of David and Mother-in-law of Delphine. Sara will be missed by all her family and friends. Funeral Service to be held at Our Lady & The English Martyrs' Church, Burnham-on-Sea on Thursday 22 July at 11.30am followed by private interment. Family flowers only. Donations if desired for St. Margaret's Hospice (cheques payable to the charity) may be sent to Burnham Funeral Services, 97 Oxford Street, Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, TA8 1EW. Telephone (01278) 795009.


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