Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 22/07/2021

LITTLE Peter John (FRICS) Died peacefully, at home on the 12th July 2021, aged 72 years. The beloved Husband of Rosie, and loving Father to Charlie and Emma. He will be sadly missed by all his family and friends. All funeral enquiries c/o Edd Frost and Daughters, Family Funeral Directors, 27 Market Place, Brackley, NN13 7AB. Tel. (01280) 630630


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Jenny Welland August 10th, 2021
The Welland family at Holly-Ferns Berrow send Rosie and family are deepest condolences. Peter was such a charming man. Rest in Peace.
AtecaMan August 1st, 2021
The Mathews family send their deepest sympathy to Rosie and the Little family on hearing of the passing of their friend Peter. We are deeply sorry for your loss and we shall all miss him greatly. R.I.P.