HIGHBRIDGE could have its own library service for the first time since 2018 if plans are approved by the town council's Finance and Resources Committee tonight.

Sedgemoor Community Partnership, which manages Morland Community Hub, has submitted plans to bring a library service to its building in Pearce Drive. 

Highbridge Library was closed by Somerset County Council (SCC) in December 2018 “in a bid to keep costs down”.

If approved, the new agreement would see SCC's library services provide books for the facility, which would be regularly rotated to ensure variety.

The community partnership has submitted a funding bid for £13,924 to the town council, with a decision expected at the council chamber tonight (September 26).

If successful, the plans would also bring a defibrillator to the Morland Hub site and allow its pantry service to expand by relocating it to Trowbridge Close.

Roger Keen, chairman of the community partnership, has described the planned re-introduction of a library service as “very important for the community”.

He said: “Where we’re moving it to is right in the middle of a huge housing estate, so it will be good for lots of people, especially the parents of young children because it will be linked with a café.

“They will be able to bring their young children down, and they can sit down with their friends while their children get up to other things.

“The agreement we have with County Libraries will put emphasis on children’s and cookery books, that kind of thing.

“They will stock the books for us and rotate them every two or three months, so hopefully things will stay fresh.”

He added: “The nearest defibrillator is at the entrance to Apex Park, which is more than 2.5 minutes away. If there was a cardiac event in the Morland area, Apex is too far away, so it could be a lifesaver.

“We’ve been feeding 50 families a week. We’d move the pantry over to Trowbridge Close so we can much more easily service those families and increase our capacity if we need to.”

Moving the food pantry would also create more space at the hub for storage and other activities.

The plans would also bring a new consultation room to Trowbridge Close, which would be beneficial for confidential or one-to-one meetings.

Morland Community Hub hosts a range of community groups, including Highbridge Youth Theatre and a youth club, and activities such as bingo.