A PLAY area costing £110,000 could be on its way to Highbridge's Apex Park if funding is partially unlocked by Sedgemoor District Council on Wednesday (August 1).

The Executive is meeting to discuss whether to endorse the Sedgemoor Play Strategy for 2007 to 2011 and take a step towards the release of £230,000 over three years from the Big Lottery Fund.

If the bid is successful the cash has been earmarked for two projects - a children's playground in Highbridge and a service running play events throughout Sedgemoor.

The Apex Park Play-Scape will refurbish the existing children's area and enhance the grounds to a high standard, utilising the existing grassy, together with natural products such as rocks and sand.

Local communities, especially children, will be involved in the design and planning stages of the project and this process has begun with a 900-letter mail shot to households near Apex Park and schools nearby.

Head of regeneration Nichola Slawski said members would be asked to endorse the Sedgemoor Play Strategy 2007 to 2017.

"It has been developed through a multi agency approach in order to ensure that the future provision of play opportunity in Sedgemoor is carried out in a planned, integrated and continually improving way," she said.