STAFF at Secret World Wildlife Rescue have been giving their resident foxes annual check-ups and vaccinations to keep them healthy.

Megan, Mia and April live at Secret World because they were reared by people who wanted to keep them as pets.

Dan Bryant, hospital section leader at Secret World, said: “People who find fox cubs really do need to get them to the right centre to ensure they are reared in such a way that they can eventually return to the wild where they belong.

"The biggest problem we have is people picking up fox cubs not realising what they are, as they really don’t look like foxes in their first couple of weeks.

They are chocolate brown and only turn red as they get older.

"Our first fox cub a few years ago ended up at the Cats Protection League as the finder thought it was a kitten. 

“The real clue to look out for is the white tip to the tail.”