I HAVE worked for the last 15 years in the social care and youth sectors, and am currently a senior manager working with young carers.

I see the difference our guidance and practical help can make to their young lives – and yet my heart breaks every day because the money to provide the services they desperately need has been ruthlessly stripped. We have seen services slashed in our communities – for families, schools and hospitals, the ill and disabled, the old and vulnerable.

I have decided enough is enough: I want to challenge the career politicians and make changes at the highest level, in our Parliament and government.

As an MP, I will work for my constituents – all of them.

I will work to introduce policies that will help people to transform their lives, repairing the NHS, investing in social care and providing the same personal care to people over 65 and in need that they get in Scotland.

I want to see us invest in green energy, in our infrastructure, in our homes, creating local, well-paid, skilled jobs and making education a right, not an expensive privilege.

For this – and so much more – I urge you to vote Labour.