BURNHAM-ON-SEA Coastguard Rescue Team came to the aid of a woman who had fainted and sustained an injury while walking along Burnham beach at the weekend.

The woman had a dizzy spell and fainted on the hard sand, which caused her a painful injury.

One of the team members from BARB Search & Rescue was on the beach with their family, and having seen the woman fall they rushed to her aid.

Burnham Coastguards were called out, as the location meant that it would be difficult for an ambulance to reach the scene.

A Coastguard statement said: "Our team quickly assessed the injured lady, who had refused an ambulance, and we spoke to her partner about the options open to them and the implications of refusing medical help.

"With this in mind, there was only so much we could do to help and, after a brief discussion, it was decided all we could do was to help them off the beach to a safe place, where they could make their own way either home or to hospital.

"Either way, we wish the lady a speedy recovery and extend a huge thanks to the BARB member who was in the right place at the right time and knew exactly what to do to help."