COMMUNITY members turned out in numbers for Brent Knoll's scarecrow trail, which was held over the weekend with winners announced on Sunday, October 2.

There were over 40 scarecrows throughout the village, and participants were encouraged to pick up a trail pack for £2 and find them all.

Scarecrow makers were asked to follow a Royal theme this year, and children were able to spend the weekend dressed as members of the royal family or knights.

The trail began at Brent Knoll Primary School. On both days, visitors could purchase food and drinks from Ros Dark Catering and take part in a raffle and lucky dip.

The competition was judged independently. Stuart Steer and his family came away with the top prize for their Queen and Paddington entry, with the Law and Highmore families taking second and third respectively.

The judges highly commended the Hale, Steer Snellgrove, Dixon, Martin, Rees, and Lambert families for their regal creations.

The Stuart Steer family's scarecrow was named the people's favourite, with the Hazelton Cavills, the Bakers, and Panda Patrol also scoring highly.

A scarecrow trail spokesperson said: “A huge thank you to everyone who came and supported the trail. We hope you all had a lovely time.”