A WOMAN from Somerset has been hit with a court bill of more than £4,600 after pleading guilty to five animal cruelty charges.

Sally Jones, 63, of Meadow Vale, Brent Street, Brent Knoll, was also banned for life from keeping cattle when she was sentenced at Taunton Magistrates' Court this week.

She admitted:

  • causing unnecessary suffering to a bovine calf, which was in an emaciated condition, by failing to put it in a pen with plenty of straw, clean water and provide a nutritious diet;
  • not taking reasonable steps to ensure the needs of six cattle were met by failing to provide them with a suitable environment that had dry bedding or was well drained;
  • failing to collected the carcases of livestock and not transporting them without undue delay, presenting a potential risk to public and animal health;
  • failing to house, net or keep separate from wild birds five chickens and three ducks and their feed in compliance with bird flu rules;
  • failing to meet the needs of two cattle and 15 sheep in that the accommodation was not constructed and maintained so that there were no sharp edges or protrusions likely to cause injury to them.

Jones was fined a total of £1,043 and ordered to pay £3,495 costs, along with a £104 victim surcharge.

She was given until the end of February to settle the total £4,642 bill.

She was also disqualified for life from dealing in, owning, keeping, participating in keeping or being a party to an arrangeent under which she is entitled to control or influence how cattle are kept, transported or arranging transport.