RESIDENTS across Burnham-on-Sea, Highbridge and other areas of Sedgemoor have expressed their disgust towards a planning application to build a new 23-metre tall 5G tower on the coastline.

Freshwave Facilities Limited applied to install the monopole at Haven Burnham Holiday Village, on Marine Drive in Burnham-on-Sea.

The pole itself would stand at 22.5 metres tall, with six additional antenna apertures causing the structure to reach a maximum height of 23.14m.

Although Freshwave Facilities Limited are the official applicants, all of the planning documents contain the Vodafone logo and branding.

Although the applicant argued the tower could be of benefit to locals' health, as well as solving problems with mobile phone signal in the area, there has been an overwhelmingly negative reaction to the proposal.

Comments are open on the application until November 10, and affected residents have come out in number to voice their opinions.

Several locals stated the huge tower would be an eyesore on the town's beautiful coastline. 

"The proposed mast will be obtrusive, ugly, and incongruous with the surrounding character and appearance, resulting in detriment to the visual amenities to the area," one local said.

A frequent visitor to Burnham-on-Sea stated: "I object to such a monstrously tall ugly mast."

Another resident said the tower would be "unsightly" and "could cause anxiety and harm to the amenity of the area".

Many locals speculated that the proposed Vodafone tower could emit harmful radiation, citing their worries as another reason that the monopole should not be built.

"Holiday homes, residences, and businesses... will be subjected to high levels of radiation beaming from this mast throughout the day and night. The impact of this proposal on the health (including mental health) and well-being of residents must be taken into account," said another concerned resident.

"You say the radiation does not damage skin cells, but I disagree," a second infuriated local added.

There were however some residents grateful for the prospect of improved mobile phone signal in the area.

"Mobile signal is bordering on non existent in this part of town so anything to improve it is welcome," said a hopeful local.

"This mast will help to boost communication for 99% of residents in the area - surely the benefits far outweigh the downside mentioned by the objectors," added another resident.

Updates to the application can be viewed by searching for the application number 11/23/00094 on the Somerset Council website, and comments will remain open until November 10.

Approval for the tower's construction could be given as early as next Saturday, November 11.