IT has been less than a month since the Burnham and Highbridge Community Clothing Bank first opened on October 5, but the new bank has already outgrown its original premises.

Although still located in the Methodist Church, the clothing bank will be relocated from the corner at the back of the building, into the church foyer, which is much larger and equipped with a separate entrance.

Co-founders Emily Beaven and Kim Chatwin will set up shop in the new area from tomorrow, Thursday November 2.

Local building firm DB IMPROVEMENTS have also agreed to sponsor the clothing bank, and will soon be supplying official clothing bank t shirts for Kim, Emily, and the rest of the team of volunteers.

"We are overwhelmed with the support from our community, and Kim and I would like to once again thank everyone involved," said Emily.

As usual, the bank will be open for both donations and collections every Thursday, with no vouchers required to pick out some new threads.