LAST week, it was revealed that significant improvements have been made to healthcare services at Burnham and Berrow Medical Centre, according to the latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) report.

The medical centre was rated as ‘good’ in all key inspection areas, including safety, effectiveness, responsiveness, quality and leadership.

James Heappey, MP for the Wells constituency which encompasses Burnham-on-Sea, has since expressed his delight with the medical centre's improvement.

“I’m enormously grateful to the team at Burnham and Berrow Medical Centre for the speed with which they’ve embraced their new management and the appetite they’ve shown for turning the practice around," he said.

"Their hard work and commitment has been rewarded with this remarkable improvement in the latest CQC report."

“It should not be underestimated the speed at which this has been achieved as an overall rating of Good seemed worlds away this time last year, with closure of the practice a real possibility.

"I have worked closely with Symphony and met with staff at the practice throughout this transition and seen first-hand the hard work which has gone in to providing a service the people of Burnham-on-Sea and the surrounding area deserve.

“Recognising there is still work to be done, I will continue to engage with both Symphony and the ICB to make sure the level of service continues to improve, but I am so pleased to see this stark improvement recognised by the CQC.”