MINDLINE, a telephone service by Mind in Somerset, will remain open throughout Christmas and the festive period.

The charity understands the importance of mental health around the festive period, with many spending it alone.

Vicky Poole, fundraising manager at Mind in Somerset, said: “No one should face poor mental health alone – particularly at this time which can be a very challenging period.

“People can feel very stressed or alone and cut off during the Festive Season and it’s vital they know someone is there for them at the end of a phone.”

Last year, a total of 32,112 calls to the Mindline.

The Mindline numbers are 0800 138 1692 and 01823 276 892.

Mind in Somerset is a local mental health charity that is affiliated with Mind, a national charity which aims to make sure everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets “support and respect”.

In 2021, Mind in Somerset's 57 services have supported 17,490 service users with 45,300 interactions.