Two roads in Berrow will be closed for two days for patching works.

Somerset Council, exercising powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, has ordered all traffic to halt on Berrow Road, from the junction with Rosetree Paddock to the junction with Brent Road.

Barton Road will also be affected, from the junction with Fairway Close to the junction with Rosetree Paddock.

These closures amount to a total distance of 385 metres.

Work is expected to begin tomorrow (February 27) and end on February 28. It will be carried out between 8am and 5pm.

Milestone Infrastructure has been tasked with the patching works.

The order, effective from February 20, will be enforced for 18 months.

For alternative routes, visit One.Network's link at

To view a closure which is more than two weeks ahead, the public will need to register for free with One.Network.

For information about the works, Somerset Highways can be contacted at 0300 123 2224, with reference number ttro387775N.