A MAN from Highbridge claims the construction of a housing development next to his home has damaged his property.

The man, who lives on the B3139 Walrow Road but has asked to remain anonymous, has accused Flower & Hayes Ltd - a property developer based in Paulton - of causing significant damage to his home since he first moved in over two years ago.

"We moved into our property in March 2022 with the knowledge that the open space next to us was going to be used to build 40+ houses," he said.

"After about a month, building works started and immediately cracks started to appear in our property."

He alleged that the director of the company, Roderick Thorner, then visited his property to see the damage first hand, and acknowledged it.

He also stated that Mr Thorner even agreed to rectify any damage caused by his company, but said 'hairline cracking' did not qualify as damage.

Since then, more cracks have appeared inside the property, and Flower & Hayes has reportedly not taken any action to resolve the situation or made any efforts to repair the damage.Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News: Further damage inside the home.Further damage inside the home. (Image: Contributed)

"There are cracks in most of the rooms and nothing has been fixed by the developers," the man added.

"It has been over 750 days since the first damage appeared and we still haven't heard what they are planning to do about it."

He also stated that Flower & Hayes recently drilled through a party wall into his property, knocking off plaster and almost drilling into power sockets and light switches in the process.

He believes Flower and Hayes have failed to follow the party wall act during the works to build the new development next to his home.

Despite numerous attempts to ask the developer to fix the damage they have allegedly caused to the man's property over the past two years, he states they have now stopped all correspondence with him regarding the situation.

Flower & Hayes' director Roderick Thorner declined to respond to the claims following advice from the developer's insurance company.

"[He] is very aware that we have been advised not to comment by our insurance company," Mr Thorner said.