LIZ Truss has become the UK's third female Prime Minister after meeting the Queen at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. 

Ms Truss was invited to form a new government by the Queen this afternoon, marking her official appointment as PM.

A Royal Family statement said: “The Queen received Liz Truss at Balmoral Castle today.

“Her Majesty asked her to form a new administration. Ms Truss accepted Her Majesty's offer and was appointed Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury.”

Her meeting with the Queen comes after she beat former Chancellor Rishi Sunak in the Conservative Party's leadership election.

After being announced as the ballot winner yesterday (September 5), Ms Truss tweeted: “I am honoured to be elected leader of the Conservative Party.

“Thank you for putting your trust in me to lead and deliver for our great country.

“I will take bold action to get all of us through these tough times, grow our economy, and unleash the United Kingdom’s potential.”

Somerset's MPs have reacted by praising her leadership skills and describing the challenge she faces tackling rising costs of living.

Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News: Liz Truss arrives at Balmoral Castle ahead of her audience with the Queen. Picture: Andrew Milligan, PALiz Truss arrives at Balmoral Castle ahead of her audience with the Queen. Picture: Andrew Milligan, PA (Image: Andrew Milligan, PA)

Members of opposition parties in Somerset have also shared their views on Ms Truss's leadership bid win. 

Gideon Amos, the local Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson and 2019 election candidate, said: “Liz Truss propped up Boris Johnson, defending everything he did - as has Taunton Deane’s MP. 

“Truss’ appointment means more of the same from the Conservatives, while businesses here in Taunton Deane have already had to close premises and families have been put under increasing debt. Whatever is planned for next week, for many, it’s already too late.

“Real action and leadership is long, long overdue. We need the Conservatives out of government. We need them to go now.”

Cllr Brian Smedley, who leads Bridgwater Town Council and the Sedgemoor District Labour group, said: “This is no victory for anyone.

“Since the Lib Dems allowed the Tories back into Government in 2010 they’ve been pillaging the country year by year with austerity then Brexit and then the energy crisis.

“Even Rishi Sunak said Truss’s plans were ‘immoral’ but, of course, it’s no surprise to see him now backing them.

“The Tories are only interested in themselves. As a concept, the Tory party has no solutions other than self-interest.

“More and more people year on year out are starting to realise this, and the only good thing about the Truss government is it won’t last long.”

Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News: Boris Johnson met the Queen earlier today to formally resign as Prime Minister. Picture: Andrew Milligan, PABoris Johnson met the Queen earlier today to formally resign as Prime Minister. Picture: Andrew Milligan, PA (Image: Andrew Milligan, PA)

Cllr Kathy Pearce, deputy leader of the Sedgemoor District Labour Group, added: “The prospect of a long, hard, winter just got a whole lot harder and longer.

“Liz Truss’s trotting out of the tired old Tory mantra of cutting taxes will do nothing at all to tackle the failed Tory policies which have created the cost of living crisis, for which the most vulnerable in society will pay the biggest price. It’s a disgrace.”

When she appeared on Laura Kuenssberg's new Sunday morning BBC programme on September 4, Ms Truss pledged to make an announcement on tackling “the issue of energy bills and of long-term supply” within a week of becoming Prime Minister.